In the bustling neighborhood of Dansaert, a cocktail bar named Life is Beautiful (LIB) stands as a testament to the simple joys of life, as echoed by its inviting name. Karoline & Harouna, the dynamic duo behind LIB, have crafted not just a bar, but an experience. From the moment we stepped in, their mission was clear: make every visit a beautiful one.
Rue Antoine Dansaert 161, BXL, 1000
Wednesday - Saturday 18.00 - 00.00
Cocktails € 12-14, mocktails € 9, Finger food € 7.
Closed for holidays until 22/08.
When you enter LIB, you immediately feel the warm and unpretentious atmosphere that the couple have created. Their outdoor terrace, ideal for the warm summer evenings, fills up quickly, especially on a Friday night.
The highlight of our visit? LIB uses aquafaba over egg whites in all of its 'white' cocktails to give the drink its signature silky texture. We loved the pisco sours, beautifully served in an elegant long-stemmed glass. We also tried the Brussels-Oaxaca, a tantalising blend of mezcal, rum, Fernet Branca, elderflower liqueur and black walnut brittle - a shout out to all mezcal aficionados. And the best part? You can buy it straight from the LIB boutique down the street.
To complement our drinks, we tried LIB's finger food. Although the menu is limited, there are some nice plant-based options. The homemade hummus sprinkled with za'atar and the generous plate of olive oil with dukkah spice mix, paired with fresh sourdough bread, were both a delightful treat. LIB is open to adding more vegan options - and we'll be the first to know!
It's clear that for Karoline & Harouna, LIB isn't just a business, it's a passion project. When they're not mixing concoctions at the bar, you'll probably find them in their spirits boutique around the corner, or leading enthusiastic participants through cocktail workshops. (You can find out more about their workshops at
Karoline describes mixing the way a chef would experiment with food, describing how she began to understand the flavours, and says: "Anyone can do it! However, if you're like me and prefer to leave it to the experts, then LIB is the place for you!
To all cocktail lovers and those looking for a quiet spot in the middle of Brussels' hustle and bustle, LIB beckons. Come and let life show you its best side.